An Open Door

Dreary motel with the words "shattered dreams are the hallmark of a mortal life"

In-Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am:

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Meeting ID: 839 1215 4367
Passcode: 153991

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Saturday Circle 9:00 am
Zoom Connection | Passcode: 310760

Sunday Circle 9:00 am
Zoom connection | Meeting ID: 867 2739 4637, Passcode: 663369 Phone: 669 900 9128

This January, in the long stretch of Winter, we’ll explore the theme of Grief and how its effects ripple through our interior world and broader community. In American culture we try to categorize or compartmentalize grief through stages and linear progressions. But that’s not how the spirit moves. And grief is one of the most spiritual journeys we will ever embark upon. So let’s eschew the point a to point b myth and live in and companion one another through this exploration of grief.

On this, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday, as well as the anniversary of our congregational founding, let us take stock of all we love, of all we’ve lost, of what life is lived on the other side of letting go. Let’s learn how, together, we can plant the seeds of hope and resilience even in a fallow season, that will grow into a transformative season of love ahead.