Support for the Tuesday Dinner for the Homeless:  A team of congregants provide side salads and desserts for a shared meal with homeless people, which is served at the First Presbyterian Church in downtown San Rafael (1510 Fifth St.).

Contact: June Fesler or

Mill Street Shelter: For many years our congregation has been providing groceries to the Mill St. Shelter. 

Contact: Walt Littrell:

Immigration Rights: There is a local RAPID RESPONSE number to call for witnessing unwarranted stops and searches of immigrants: 415-991-4545

As a Sanctuary Congregation, we offer assistance to families who are affected by an ICE detainment or deportation. Assistance takes on many forms, such as rides to court hearings or other appointments, obtaining gift cards, or delivering meals. We also can provide advocacy by appearing at hearings, writing letters, or making calls to elected representatives.

Green Sanctuary: We use compostable paper products when we can and have installed energy efficient lighting. We are also in the process of creating a permaculture playground. Many of our families are involved in the “resilient neighborhoods” program to reduce our carbon footprint.