A video recap of the 2023 General Assembly

Our service for June 27, 2021 was the General Assembly Worship Service

Our past services (without descriptions) may be found on YouTube or connected to the services listed below.

Where The Heart Is

September’s worship theme is HOMECOMING! These days, the average American may move almost a dozen times within their lifetime! With such nomadic tendencies, how do we develop the deep emotional connections that make us feel “at home”? Let’s spend this Sunday examining how our spiritual practice and a deep, inner resilience can help us make … Continue reading Where The Heart Is

The Long Way Home

September’s worship theme is HOMECOMING! This time of year many different folks, for many different reasons, go “church shopping”. Trying to find the right fit, spiritually and socially, for them and their family to engage in religious community. In an era when joining a congregation is not exactly “en vogue”, what calls us into spiritual … Continue reading The Long Way Home

Falling In Trust

August’s worship theme is Collaboration! Engaging in the depth of collaboration required to engage in some of life’s most sacred endeavors… marriage, parenting, care-taking, covenant based congregational life… requires an incredible amount of TRUST. But trust is a precious gift that many of us hold onto so tightly as the years that pass teach us … Continue reading Falling In Trust