Speaker: Rev. Cory Lovell

 Keep Your Dreams

As we conclude our exploration of February’s worship theme of “Resilience” let us come together and keep sacred our ability to dream. The perilous socio-political times we live in pose an existential threat to our shared values. We end up caught in a triage centered, survival mindset that can be exhausting. But in the midst … Continue reading  Keep Your Dreams

Ride or Die: Resilience in Relationships

As we continue to explore February’s worship theme of “Resilience”, lets gather for a service dedicated to the enduring power of our closest relationships. We’re living through a cultural crises of isolation and antisocial tendencies. Technology was supposed to draw us closer together but in many ways its driven us apart. So lets celebrate the … Continue reading Ride or Die: Resilience in Relationships

Gallows as Glorious

In 1859, political circumstances in the United States had all but ensured that the abolition of slavery would not occur without a fight.  John Brown, a strict Calvinist and failed businessman, vowed to bring that fight to slaveowners in the American South. But the financial and logistical support for Brown’s crusade came from a group of … Continue reading Gallows as Glorious

Imperfect Destiny

We continue our exploration of this month’s worship theme, “Story”, with a Sunday Service diving into the Hindu epic of the Bhagadva Gita. The story of the warrior prince, Arjuna, and the spiritual tutelage he receives from Krishna about how to act to make a difference in an imperfect world. As we enter a time … Continue reading Imperfect Destiny

If The Fates Allow

There is the world as it is and the world as we wish it to be. The chasm between often seems insurmountable. But the holiday season is when myriad traditions celebrate joy, siblinghood, hope, and resilience in the midst of the darkest, coldest days of the year. There is an elusive ephemeral feeling, an opening … Continue reading If The Fates Allow

Defining Divinity

This Sunday let’s ponder the incomprehensible. What is Divinity? What is Divine? We come together in pluralistic community from diverse backgrounds with a multitude of perspectives, some inherited, some self-determined, about just what it means to be spiritual beings having an earthly human experience. Perhaps there is a beautiful comfort to be found in the … Continue reading Defining Divinity

Wrestling a Blessing

This Sunday Rev. Cory will be back in the pulpit and leading us in a service exploring our December worship theme of Divinity. One of the most enduring stories from the Hebrew Bible is that of Jacob wrestling with God. The OG “dark night of the soul” tale. We’ll unpack this story and talk about the struggle … Continue reading Wrestling a Blessing

Dia de Los Muertos

Join us for a special Intergenerational service celebrating Dia de Los Muertos this Sunday, November 3rd at UU Marin. This vibrant and reflective event honors the Mexican tradition of remembering and celebrating the lives of those who have passed on. Our service will feature a communal Ofrenda where you’re invited to bring photos or mementos … Continue reading Dia de Los Muertos