We Show Up!
This spring we have a lot to celebrate! The ordination and installation of our new minister, the beginnings of capital campaign projects crafted with the shared vision of our congregation. New members, new programs, new energy. As the Capital Campaign told us last year, now it is “Our Community, Our Turn” to pave the way for the future
Our very existence depends on the efforts we all make to support our community, our programs, our building, and our future. Time, Talent, and Treasure are the basis of our sustainability.
There are 3 building blocks of financial support:
- The annual pledge drive supports our church operating expenses, such as salary, programs, and administrative costs.
- A continuation of the Capital Campaign as we prepare for major expenses with the onset of construction this summer.
- Reminder of our Rose Legacy Circle for those wishing to help secure our financial future with a legacy gift (often through an estate plan or insurance policy).
With the support and guidance of Rev. Cory Lovell, we look toward the next decade to imagine how to continue living into our mission. We envision growing our membership, providing fair compensation for our employees, making our facility more accessible and preserving our sacred space on the hill for our community’s children, grandchildren and generations into the future.
As you can see, our Family Ministry program is already experiencing strong growth:

Our beloved Director of Family Ministries, Rev. Lynne Scarpa, will be retiring at the end of this church year. Your generous pledge will, among other things, allow us to recruit the best possible candidate to assume leadership of this vital part of our congregational life. Pledges are the primary source of funds we use to cover our salaries and benefits, which make up the vast majority of our operating expenses.

Making these plans a reality will require hard work, enthusiasm and a financial commitment from each of us. Together, our individual strengths are linked to accomplish what none of us could do alone. Our continued success depends on many people, many talents and a positive attitude. We encourage being generous with your time and talent in addition to sharing your financial resources as much as you can.
When you are ready please follow this link on Breeze to enter your pledge: 24-25 Online Combined Pledge Form. Paper forms are also available by clicking here, or send an email to Stewardship@UUMarin.org, pick up a form in the lobby on Sunday or check in the Administrator’s office.
We also want you to know that our giving is not the only indication of our support for our community. We do recognize that not all can contribute equally but if your situation is such that even a nominal amount is not possible this year, we ask that you notify Rev. Cory in writing that you would like a waiver.
We thank you for your generosity and your participation in the life of UU Marin. Together we can continue to share life’s journey, inspire joy and justice in an imperfect world, and act to make a difference.