Welcome to UU Marin’s Giving Page. On this page, you can learn how to financially support the mission of our congregation, the values we share, and the challenges of living up to our commitments.
Here is a picture of our expected finances for the coming year:

As you see, some funding is drawn from rentals and endowment, but most financial support comes from members and friends.
- PLEDGE DRIVE – February. This is our major source of income each year. Every member and friend who is able is asked to make a pledge for the coming fiscal year. Some cannot, and request a waiver, which is perfectly acceptable. It is vital to have this pledge/waiver information by the end of February so the finance committee can prepare a budget. The Finance Committee estimates that the cost of supporting our personnel, facility, administration and programs costs $3,200 per member per year. Watch the “Donate” space in January for more details about the pledge drive.
- BASKET DONATIONS – At every Sunday service throughout the year, the physical or virtual “basket” is passed for donations. UU Marin usually earns $350 per week in this endeavor.
- FUNdraisers – UU Marin taps members’ creativity for this. Craft fairs, auctions, art shows, crab feeds, musical events, and guest speakers are some of the ways we’ve raised money in the past. Our fall 2020 auction, for example, garnered $17,000!
- LONG TERM STEWARDSHIP – Leaving a bequest to UU Marin in your will or trust is a wonderful way to ensure your legacy with your spiritual home. You can also name UU Marin as a sole or partial beneficiary on many investment accounts or your life insurance policy. There are a variety of planned giving options that can be tailored to your individual financial and charitable objectives. The office administrator or the treasurer can assist you in sorting out the options and finding the approach that works well for you.