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Hands around a flaming chalice

The Sunday Circle is a lay-led group and gathers from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. each Sunday.   This group is less formal and smaller than the 10:30 service, and can be a good place for newcomers to connect and feel welcome.

We typically gather in the UU Marin Fireside Room—but in order to be connected while socially distant, we have also evolved a Zooming Circle.  

While we all adapt to current events we have departed from our previous schedule of topics and leaders and re-purposed our group to simply be a place where, each week, we can
    – Connect in Community
    – Share Humor and Hope
    – Support Creativity and Curiosity

A volunteer leader will welcome participants, light a chalice, and offer a reading and topic for the day, often one that has evolved from the previous week’s conversation.  We will have a few minutes of silence for contemplation, and then take turns responding with thoughts or asking related questions.  We take time for shared joys and concerns and then continue with the dialogue.