Earth based collage images including the body of a woman with wings, swan, goldfish, bee, sun and moon and text that reads, "All Are Welcome Here."

Welcome! We are thrilled to have you and your young ones as a part of our community at UU Marin! 

We’re really excited to work with each and every one of you to enter into a new chapter of our children’s ministry and create an open and thriving and healthy family oriented community together.  This shared, multigenerational ministry is sacred work. You’re all a part of it too! Helping to foster faith and connectivity in our children and youth will have impacts far beyond childhood. Here are a few things to remember and keep in mind about UU Marin’s Family Ministry Program. I invite you to read the following and discuss with your children as needed. 

  • Please be on campus when your children are with us! We want to nourish and hold you, too. (Exceptions are 10th-12th grade)
  • We encourage you to keep RE staff informed of significant changes that effect your child(ren). Divorce, custody arrangements, death of a loved one, medical concerns, dark nights of the soul, or anything that might impact your child. It would be our honor to help support you and your family. 
  • Stay tuned! Subscribe to our Newsletter and join our Facebook community. We don’t want you to miss out on all the fun we’ll be having this church year! 
  • Keep us informed of any contact information changes. 
  • Attend regularly. This is a spiritual home and you’re always welcome. We understand the pressures of life. Practicing love towards others in the form of fellowship is nourishing to the spirit. Its good for the whole family and also, we miss you when you’re gone!
  • Pledge! No amount is too small. Helping support the RE program and our congregation as a whole benefits us all. The health of this program depends on parents and other congregants to help it thrive. We acknowledge that financial means are not the only path of support but, it does help. 
  • Volunteer! We need you. We do need some parental support to make this program really pop. Your presence will help the program thrive. Because you’re awesome and your kids are too! Even volunteering as little as 4 times a year would make a huge difference in our program and give us some back up incase we run into a staff emergency. 

Right now with constriction ongoing, things are a little different. Parents/Guardians can drop off/sign in their kids in the Fireside room before service. We ask that you pick up/sign out directly after service. With limited space for meetings and all youth together, the Family Ministries staff needs space and time to clear out so that the next group can begin on time. We greatly appreciate your cooperation!

CONTACT FAMILY MINISTRIES: Director of Family Ministries – Early Childhood Coordinator Elementary Age Coordinator Youth Advisor