God Fearing

Two Pictures. The top one shows fearful eyes. The bottom one shows a dark and earie forest.

October’s worship theme is Fear. An innate primal human emotion that often helps to keep us safe, fear can also be an inhibitor to our deep need for connectivity, love, and  transcendence.

Pluralism is one of Unitarian Universalism’s most sacred and vital values. It is at the very core of our existence through the centuries and is our path to a vibrant and sustainable future as a faith movement. And yet the embrace of myriad religious belief systems into one community of concern and care is anxiety and fear producing for many folks. Yes, Church hurt is real and religion has been used to divide and exploit for millennia. But tucked into our faith tradition is the possibility of sacred reimagination and beautifully restorative relationship with the elusive and incomprehensible Divine. How do we finally shed a fear of “God”, however we define it, and embrace the multitudes our community might contain? 
