Promised For Whom

polaroid photo looking sown past trees into a rocky inlet

In-Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am:

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Meeting ID: 839 1215 4367
Passcode: 153991

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Saturday Circle 9:00 am
Zoom Connection | Passcode: 310760

Sunday Circle 9:00 am
Zoom connection | Meeting ID: 867 2739 4637, Passcode: 663369 Phone: 669 900 9128

November’s worship theme is Belonging. To belong can be a position of some ambivalence. Often a comfort and sometimes a curse. Where are we meant to fit? To whom are we suited for? Are we meant to be neatly socially classified? Are we cosmically the property of anyone but ourselves? In this Autumn month in which we honor the harvest season, National Indigenous People Heritage Month, the Thanksgiving holiday, and are striving to gather in generous Beloved Community in times fraught with polarization and global strife… let us commune each Sunday in a way in which we can all belong and be longing together. 

“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free,” were Fannie Lou Hammer’s indelible words that ushered in an era of intersectionality long before that was a household phrase. But when one community’s liberation story is another community’s tragic tale of oppression, the quest for collective liberation feels less intersectional and more internecine strife. We are at a moment of reckoning, an age of acknowledgment, where we can only move forward in love if we are honest and accountable. But there are many coexisting truths. And accountability requires us to be loyal not to ideologies, political movements, or even our communities, but only to the truth, only to hope, only to the future. We’re all striving for that prophetic promised land… but we have to ask ourselves, promised for whom?
