The Tender Edge of Unfolding ?

Flower bud ready to open

Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom Continues This Week! 10:30 am:
Zoom connection | Dial in: 669-900-6833 | Meeting ID: 444 532 079

Saturday and Sunday Circle 9:00 am: 
Zoom Connection | Passcode: 756339| Dial in 669 900 9128 US | Meeting ID: 859 0275 5119

A year ago, as we reeled from the shelter-in-place orders and rapidly adapted to our pandemic lifestyles, we were fueled by the adrenaline born of necessity and urgency. Now we head into another period of tumultuous transition, but we are no longer fueled by the energy of crisis. As we lean into the future of our congregation, community and society, what would it feel like to lead with the soft, vulnerable edges of our becoming?
