Speaker: Rev. Theresa Novak

Letting God off Leash

Can we maybe give God some grace and stop blaming the divine for all that goes wrong?  Is it God’s fault when bad things happen to good people?  Does how we imagine God matter, even if we don’t believe in a supreme being?  Our affiliate minister, Rev. Theresa Novak will tackle a few of these questions.  

Looking for Grace

How do we find Grace, both within ourselves to give it, and for ourselves when we need it? Do we sometimes look for it in all the wrong places?  How is it different from forgiveness, from serendipity or even luck? Our Affiliated Minister, will share some thoughts about Grace and how she has experienced it in her … Continue reading Looking for Grace

Gather Together

We will gather to reflect on the happenings of this week, take a few deep breaths, and begin to consider how we might respond to whatever the future may bring

Pride and Joy

We end the Month of May with joy as we anticipate the Pride celebrations of June.  In this service we will reflect on joy and also the special blessing of being gay.  Sympathy for straight folks will be offered, but the true joy for all of us humans is the opportunity to be our authentic selves.   —-

Learning to Swim

In-Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 1215 4367Passcode: 153991 One tap mobile +16699009128,,83912154367# US (San Jose)+16694449171,,83912154367# US Saturday Circle 9:00 amZoom Connection | Passcode: 310760 Sunday Circle 9:00 amZoom connection | Meeting ID: 867 2739 4637, Passcode: 663369 Phone: 669 900 9128 This January, in the long stretch of … Continue reading Learning to Swim

The Curse of Perfection

In Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am:Zoom connection | Dial in: 669-900-6833 | Meeting ID: 444 532 079 Saturday Circle 9:00 am Zoom Connection | Meeting ID: 881 5347 9350, Passcode: 074974 Sunday Circle 9:00 amZoom connection | Meeting ID: 867 2739 4637, Passcode: 663369 Phone: 669 900 9128 Our Affiliated Minister, … Continue reading The Curse of Perfection

How Full Is Your Glass?

Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom Continues This Week. 10:30 am:Zoom connection | Dial in: 669-900-6833 | Meeting ID: 444 532 079 Saturday and Sunday Circle 9:00 am: Zoom Connection | Passcode: 756339| Dial in 669 900 9128 US | Meeting ID: 859 0275 5119 We are in the midst of a physical drought, but what about your spirit?  … Continue reading How Full Is Your Glass?