Speaker: Rev. Theresa Novak

Searching for the Source ?

Unitarian Universalism is different than many other religious traditions in part because individual Unitarian Universalists are encouraged to explore weighty theological questions for ourselves and to draw our own conclusions about what we believe about God, the nature and meaning of existence, and what happens to us after we die. This search isn’t a completely … Continue reading Searching for the Source ?

A Curious Faith

We all have a religious past, even those of us who did not grow up in any faith tradition. Our spiritual journeys can have many twists and turns. As travelers on that path, we can carry with us bags full of our pasts, rarely opened or examined. What happens if we unpack those bags in … Continue reading A Curious Faith

A Principled Path ?

Rev Theresa Novak is an Affiliated Minister of UUCM. Unitarian Universalist Congregations have covenanted (promised) to affirm and promote our seven principles. How do we do that, as a congregation and as individuals? What are the challenges? Even when we try very hard, sometimes we break those promises. Can this faith hold us even when … Continue reading A Principled Path ?