Topic: Standard Sunday Service

Why a Religious Community?

We come to UU Marin for the fellowship, friendship, and mutual support that community provides. But why a religious community, particularly for those who don’t consider themselves religious or for whom the word and concept of religion is fraught? We’ll explore this question together. Dave Hudson was born and raised in New England, the son … Continue reading Why a Religious Community?

Times Like These

The worship theme for the month of June is Pride! We’re one year into a shared settled ministry at UU Marin!  This summer will find UU Marin in the midst of further transformation, physically and spiritually, into a modern congregation on the vanguard of 21st century spirituality. If there was ever a time to center … Continue reading Times Like These

Pride In Progress

The worship theme for the month of June is Pride! On this special Sunday when we observe both Father’s Day, Juneteenth, and a month of LGBTQIA2S+ love and allyship, lets take stock of all the ways that we have made substantive progress as a congregation, as a faith movement, and as a society. Let us … Continue reading Pride In Progress

ValUUes To Take Pride In

The worship theme for the month of June is Pride! As Unitarian Universalists we have a rich, fascinating history of religious exploration to be proud of, with eras of transformative social change that could only have been born out of our chosen faith. We are now on the midst of a new era of the … Continue reading ValUUes To Take Pride In

God Is Big Enough

June’s worship theme is Pride! Join us on June 2nd for a Sunday Service with special guest, Suzanne Ford, the Executive Director of San Francisco Pride, who will share her journey of both spiritual and gender transition as celebrate a month of LGBTQIA2S+ love and allyship! Following a rewarding sales career in the private sector, … Continue reading God Is Big Enough

Pride and Joy

We end the Month of May with joy as we anticipate the Pride celebrations of June.  In this service we will reflect on joy and also the special blessing of being gay.  Sympathy for straight folks will be offered, but the true joy for all of us humans is the opportunity to be our authentic selves.   —-

Smiling Sky

May’s worship theme is Joy! And what a joyful month of excitement and celebration it will be! Join us this Sunday morning for an uplifting conclusion to our UU Marin Congregational Retreat Weekend. As we wind down one church year and begin to imagine the next, let’s cast our vision to a bright and hopeful … Continue reading Smiling Sky