A video recap of the 2023 General Assembly

Our service for June 27, 2021 was the General Assembly Worship Service

Our past services (without descriptions) may be found on YouTube or connected to the services listed below.

Ride or Die: Resilience in Relationships

As we continue to explore February’s worship theme of “Resilience”, lets gather for a service dedicated to the enduring power of our closest relationships. We’re living through a cultural crises of isolation and antisocial tendencies. Technology was supposed to draw us closer together but in many ways its driven us apart. So lets celebrate the … Continue reading Ride or Die: Resilience in Relationships

Gallows as Glorious

In 1859, political circumstances in the United States had all but ensured that the abolition of slavery would not occur without a fight.  John Brown, a strict Calvinist and failed businessman, vowed to bring that fight to slaveowners in the American South. But the financial and logistical support for Brown’s crusade came from a group of … Continue reading Gallows as Glorious

This Will Not Break Me

February’s worship theme is “Resilience”. Join us this Sunday for an exploration of the incredible strength that lies within each of us, even in the face of adversity. Do you sometimes feel scared, hopeless, let down and confused about what is happening in your life or in our country? Through the sharing of powerful stories, … Continue reading This Will Not Break Me