Saturday Circle, January 27th, 9:00 AM

 Life is slippery. Here, take my hand. (anon)  

We meet every Saturday morning on zoom to celebrate our place in the interdependent web and to support one another on  life’s journey.  

Our purpose is to provide a loving exchange of thoughts and feelings grounded in the core principle of Unitarian Universalism “to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of each person.” 

Our focus is on each other in the here and now joys and sorrows of our lives.  

We authentically share.
We deeply listen.
We comfort and support one another. 

In the words of Rumi as set to music in our grey hymnal:    “Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. Ours is no caravan of despair. Come, yet again, come.”   

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