Bittersweet, Melancholy, and Other Complex Emotions

hands holding emojis of of conflicting emotions

In Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am:

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Sunday Circle 9:00 am
Zoom connection | Meeting ID: 867 2739 4637, Passcode: 663369 Phone: 669 900 9128

Feelings can be challenging to process, and it can be particularly challenging to navigate the experience of having two opposite feelings at the same time. We often want to avoid these “double feelings”, such as simultaneous joy and sorrow as they can be very intense and destabilizing. And yet some of our greatest spiritual growth, creativity and perspective can come from these experiences. We will explore how navigating these complex emotions can build resilience and enrich our lives.

Rev Lucy Bunch wearing a white top with a UU necklace and a green and red stole.
Rev Lucy Bunch

Rev Lucy Bunch has served as a minister at the UU Society of Sacramento for 10 years. She is a 2011 graduate of Starr King School for the Ministry and was ordained in the Fall of 2012. She worked at the University of California Davis as an administrator for over 20 years. She has been an active UU since 1989.

Lucy is married to Nancy, her partner of 29 years. When she is not working you can find her singing with her choral group, doing Tai Chi, gardening, hiking, reading, or enjoying the company of her animal companions.
