Happily Even-After: A UU-Compatible Way to End Relationships ?

In Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am:
Zoom connection | Dial in: 669-900-6833 | Meeting ID: 444 532 079

Saturday and Sunday Circle 9:00 am:
Zoom Connection | Passcode: 756339| Dial in 669 900 9128 US | Meeting ID: 859 0275 5119

A breakup doesn’t need to ruin your life, damage your kids, or define your future. Conscious Uncoupling is a five-step process created by Katherine Woodward Thomas that has helped hundreds of thousands complete a primary relationship in a way that is healing, kind, loving and respectful of all involved. The process can also be adapted for ending a relationship with a friend, community, or organization. Come learn about Conscious Uncoupling and what it has to teach Unitarian Universalist communities about loving those among us who are going through separations and divorce.

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme

Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme is a certified Conscious Uncoupling Coach and Assistant Professor of Religion and Education at Starr King School for the Ministry. Divorce was never something she imagined for her life. After many years of trying unsuccessfully to restore the heart of her 16-year marriage, she sought a road map for a new kind of divorce with dignity and compassion and found it in the Conscious Uncoupling process. Although her former partner died from a rare and aggressive cancer before their divorce was final, they found a path through the breakdown and heartbreak to peace before she died. She believes Unitarian Universalist congregations everywhere can better serve their members and communities by understanding the framework of Conscious Uncoupling. 
