Love For The Long Haul

Fisher Price toy bus

In Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am:
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Sunday Circle 9:00 am
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Ministry, marriage/parenthood, and social justice are all long arc projects of love and faith. On this special Sunday when Father’s Day, Juneteenth, Pride, and the possibility of a new shared ministry at UU Marin intersect, let’s dive in to how we might engage in a sacred love for the long haul.

Rev. Cory Lovell

Cory has been a contract minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bartlesville, Oklahoma since 2022. Following an eight year gap during which the church did not have a minister, together UU Bartlesville and Cory were able to accomplish recreating the worship, social justice, and religious education committees; initiating a Safe Congregation Policy; and pursuing their leading purpose and growing commitment to maintain a broader UU affiliation. Not incidentally, Cory led the church in their pledge drives and he became a member of the Bartlesville Alliance of Ministers.  

 Born and raised on the east coast, Cory came to San Francisco to pursue a BFA and subsequently spent eight years in the film and music production industry. His path led him to the art hub of Marfa, Texas where he also encountered a small UU house church he describes as “perhaps a dozen West Texas hippies on a busy day that seemed to him like a scrappy, homemade faith that began with earnest attempts to be theologically honest” and heard a subtle call to the ministry, which became a ringing in his ears following the 2016 Presidential election. He earned a Master of Divinity from Eden Theological Seminary, Interned at All Saints Unitarian Church in Tulsa, and served a Community Chaplaincy at Faith and for the Sake of All in St. Louis.

He has a deep knowledge of and love for many genres of music and describes his ministry as using the latest in art, technology, and communication to combine history, contemporary pop culture, pluralistic religious wisdom, and prophetic voices across myriad cultural and social locations to nourish and equip congregants with spiritual confidence to confront the ills of our world with joy, compassion, and generosity. His mentors describe him as brilliant, a liver and lover of UU history, and a unique mix of humility and authenticity.
