With Each Other

sepia of statuary of people playing instruments and singing

In Person and Online Worship Sunday Service by Zoom This Week. 10:30 am:

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Meeting ID: 839 1215 4367
Passcode: 153991

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Saturday Circle 9:00 am
Zoom Connection | Passcode: 310760

Sunday Circle 9:00 am
Zoom connection | Meeting ID: 867 2739 4637, Passcode: 663369 Phone: 669 900 9128

Covenant is the foundation of our chosen faith. A spiritual compact we make to be in a committed relationship no matter the circumstances that swirl around us. This month we’ll explore the various aspects of how and with whom we covenant. Congregational life at UU Marin is one of the strangest, most dynamic, and most rewarding experiences we may ever take part in. A collection of highly individual and free-thinking people who nonetheless commit to living the ups and downs, ebbs and flows, booms and busts of life together in sacred community. When we become members, sign that book, and agree to covenant with each other, it forever changes us. This is perhaps one of the most profound aspects of covenant, recognizing the divine in one another and agreeing to stay at the table, come what may.
